
Urban renewal

Urban renewal (also called urban regeneration in the United Kingdom and urban redevelopment in the United States) is a program of land redevelopment often used to address urban decay in cities. Urban renewal involves the clearing out of blighted areas in inner cities to clear out slums and create opportunities for higher class housing, businesses, and other developments.

A primary purpose of urban renewal is to restore economic viability to a given area by attracting external private and public investment and by encouraging business start-ups and survival. It is controversial for its frequent use of slum clearance.

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Infoblatt der Stadt Wolmirstedt: Sanierungsmaßnahme "Stadtkern"Südost Express : Die Kreuzberger Lokalzeitung von Bürgern aus SO 36; Nr. 1/79 JanuarSüdwest Express : Die Bezirksillustrierte für Kreuzberg 61; Nr. 4, Juni/Juli 1981SO 36 : Der Verein SO 36 informiert; Nr. 25, Juni 1989SO 36 : Der Verein SO 36 informiert; Nr. 46, August 1993Drucksache : Magazin der Erneuerungskommission; Nr. 1, Januar 1987
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