

"Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers´ self-management of enterprises. This includes the political theories and movements associated with such systems.[10] Social ownership can be public, collective, cooperative or of equity.[11] While no single definition encapsulates many types of socialism,[12] social ownership is the one common element.[13][14] Socialsm aims to circumvent the inefficiencies and crises traditionally associated with capitalism.[15][16][17][18]" - ( 01.03.2020)

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Plakat "1000 Dinge [...]"FördermannGruppenbild des Handwerker-Gesangverein ElbeuBroschüre Arbeitsordnung Rat des Kreises Wolmirstedt, 1988Werbezettel für Eintritt in die LPG, 1958Lehrmaterial zum Handwerkerlehrjahr - I. Abschnitt
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