
Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy

"Faust: A Tragedy (German: Faust. Eine Tragödie, or retrospectively Faust. Der Tragödie / erster Teil) is the first part of the tragic play Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and is considered by many as the greatest work of German literature.[citation needed] It was first published in 1808." - ( 16.09.2019)

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Szene in Auerbachs Keller, aus "Faust""Faust. Erster Theil" Fausts FassrittDie Romanze Vom FlohMargarete"Faust. Erster Theil" Mephisto tritt hinter dem Ofen hervor"Faust. Erster Theil" Gretchen am Spinnrad
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