
Footwear industry

"Shoemaking is the process of making footwear.

Originally, shoes were made one at a time by hand, often by groups of shoemakers, or cordwainers (sometimes misidentified as cobblers, who repair shoes rather than make them[citation needed]). In the 18th century, dozens or even hundreds of masters, journeymen, and apprentices (both men and women) would work together in a shop, dividing the work into individual tasks. A customer could come into a shop, be individually measured, and return to pick up their new shoes in as little as a day. Everyone needed shoes, and the median price for a pair was about one day’s wages for an average journeyman." - ( 01.12.2023)

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WalkmaschineStanzmesserZwickmaschineArbeiterinnen Schuhfabrik "Conrad Tack & Cie" Burg (Foto)Schnürpumps, DamenschuheBarocke Damenschuhe, 1700 - 1715; Zugangsdatum 12/99
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