
Black-white-red flag of Germany

The Flag of the German Empire, or Imperial Flag, Realm Flag, (German: Reichsflagge) is a combination between the flag of Prussia and the flag of the Hanseatic League. The flag was first used as the flag of the North German Confederation which was formed in 1867. Later, during the Franco-Prussian War, the German Empire was founded (i.e., the South German states joined the Confederation). Germany would continue using it until the German Revolution of 1918–1919, which resulted in the founding of the Weimar Republic.

The Weimar Republic did not use it as a national flag though it did see use within the Reichswehr. Immediately after the electoral victory of the Nazi Party in March 1933, German President Paul von Hindenburg reinstated the flag by decree as the co-official flag of Germany. In 1935, a year after Hindenburg´s death, the Imperial Flag was banned from use as the national flag in favour of the black-red-white swastika flag.

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Postkarte: Patriotische Grüße aus MünsterPostkarte: Patriotische Grüße aus MünsterPostkarte: Das Rathaus in Münster mit Hakenkreuz schwarz-weiß-roter Reichs- und ReichskriegsflaggePlakat "Wählt Schwarz-Weiß-Rot!"Flugblatt "Der Dolchstoß!"Patriotischer Geldbeutel Bissersheim
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