
Great Turkish War

Republic of Venice Spanish Empire

Montenegro Albanian rebelsSerbian rebelsGreek rebelsBulgarian rebelsRomanian rebelsCroatian rebels Ottoman EmpireVassal states:

Crimean KhanateShamkhalate of Tarki Upper Hungary (1683–5) Moldavia Wallachia TransylvaniaCommanders and leaders Leopold I Eugene of Savoy Charles V of Lorraine Louis William of Baden-Baden Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg (WIA) Enea Silvio Piccolomini Heissler of Heitersheim † Miklós (Nikola) Erdődy James Leslie Joseph Herberstein Pavle Nestorović Jovan Monasterlija Maximilian II Emanuel John George III Augustus II the Strong John III Sobieski Jan Kazimierz Sapieha the Younger Stanisław Jan Jabłonowski Feliks Kazimierz Potocki Peter I Vasily Golitsyn Ivan Samoylovych Francesco Morosini Otto Wilhelm Königsmarck Bajo Pivljanin † Mehmed IV Suleiman II Ahmed II Mustafa II Kara Mustafa Pasha  Amcazade Köprülü Hüseyin Pasha Bayburtlu Kara Ibrahim Pasha Elmas Mehmed Pasha † Sarı Süleyman Pasha  Mezzo Morto Hüseyin Pasha Selim I Giray Abdi Pasha the Albanian Emeric Thököly George Ducas (POW) Șerban Cantacuzino Constantin BrâncoveanuStrength 88,100 (annual average)Casualties and losses384,000 soldiers dead on all sides (120,000 killed and 180,000 wounded in combat; other deaths mostly from disease)The Great Turkish War (German: Großer Türkenkrieg), also called the Wars of the Holy League (Turkish: Kutsal İttifak Savaşları), was a series of conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League consisting of the Holy Roman Empire, Poland-Lithuania, Venice, Russia, and the Kingdom of Hungary. Intensive fighting began in 1683 and ended with the signing of the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699. The war was a defeat for the Ottoman Empire, which for the first time lost large amounts of territory, in Hungary and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, as well as part of the western Balkans. The war was significant also by being the first time that Russia was involved in an alliance with Western Europe.

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Eigentlicher Entwurff/ der grossen und kleinen/ INSUL SCHUTT/ sampt denen umbher liegenden/ Christlichen und Türckischen/ VestungenEigentlich und wahrhaffte Abbildung/ Der Keyserlichen Residenz=Stadt und Vestung Wien/ In Unter=Oesterreich// Wie selbige von dem Groß=Vezier Ao. 1683. nach Türckischer Manier in Approchen/ Communications=Linien/ und dergleichen/ im Monat Julio grausam belaegert worden// Mit beygefuegtem kurtzen Bericht/ was bißher dabey/ vorgegangen.Siegesszene im Türkenkrieg
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