

"The German term Volksschule generally refers to compulsory education, denoting an educational institution every person (i.e. the people, Volk) is required to attend.

In Germany and Switzerland it is equivalent to a combined primary (Grundschule and Primarschule, respectively) and lower secondary education (Hauptschule or Sekundarschule), usually comprising a mandatory attendance over a period of nine years. In Austria, Volksschule solely is used for primary school from Year One to Year Four. In the Nordic countries they are referred to as Folkskolen and in Finnish, in a direct translation, as Kansakoulu; these schools covered the first years of primary education, from the ages of 7 to 11 or 12." - ( 30.03.2021)

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LiederbuchSchiefertafel mit kleinem LappenGriffelkasten, bemalt mit Teddy, Ente und DackelProbeschriften Volksschule, 3. KlasseProbeschriften, Volksschule, 1. KlasseEntlassungszeugnis der Schule Oscht für Bruno Petzelt, 1916
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