

"A Generaloberst ("colonel general") was the second-highest general officer rank in the German Reichswehr and Wehrmacht, the Austro-Hungarian Common Army, the East German National People's Army and in their respective police services. The rank was equal to a four-star full general but below a general field marshal. The rank was equivalent to a Generaladmiral in the Kriegsmarine until 1945 or to a Flottenadmiral in the Volksmarine until 1990. It was the highest ordinary military rank and the highest military rank awarded in peacetime; the higher rank of general field marshal was awarded only in wartime by the head of state. In general, a Generaloberst had the same privileges as a general field marshal." - ( 04.11.2023)

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Schirmmütze von Generaloberst M. Burlakov, Sowjetunion, nach 1980Eintrittskarte zu den Beisetzungsfeierlichkeiten für Generaloberst Josias von Heeringen in Berlin 1926Fotografie: Besuch des Generalinspekteurs der Bundeswehr im Hauptquartier der WGT, Wünsdorf, 27. Januar 1994Fotografie: Besuch des Generalinspekteurs der Bundeswehr im Hauptquartier der WGT, Wünsdorf, 27. Januar 1994Fotografie: Jahresempfang des Kommandierenden Generals des Territorialkommandos Ost, Geltow bei Potsdam, 1993Fotografie: Jahresempfang des Kommandierenden Generals des Territorialkommandos Ost, Geltow bei Potsdam, 1993
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