
Grey-headed Woodpecker

"The grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus), also known as the grey-faced woodpecker, is a Eurasian member of the woodpecker family, Picidae. Along with the more commonly found European green woodpecker and the Iberian green woodpecker, it is one of three closely related sister species found in Europe. Its distribution stretches across large parts of the central and Eastern Palaearctic, all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

The grey-headed woodpecker is more demanding than the European green woodpecker in terms of its habitat. It prefers old mixed coniferous forest with a high proportion of dead trees, feeding primarily on ants, although not being as exclusively dependent on this group as the green woodpecker. The grey-headed woodpecker´s nest is typically excavated into dead or severely damaged trees." - ( 18.11.2021)

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