
Protestant reformer

"Protestant Reformers were those theologians whose careers, works and actions brought about the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century.

In the context of the Reformation, Martin Luther was the first reformer (sharing his views publicly in 1517), followed by people like Andreas Karlstadt and Philip Melanchthon at Wittenberg, who promptly joined the new movement. In 1519, Huldrych Zwingli became the first reformer to express a form of the Reformed tradition.

Listed are the most influential reformers only. They are listed by movement, although some reformers (e.g. Martin Bucer) influenced multiple movements." - ( 09.07.2022)

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Verkleinerte Replik des Lutherstandbildes auf dem Markt von WittenbergPorträt Martin LutherDas Lutherdenkmal in WormsDas Gespräch - Der AufbruchZu Martin Luther - AufbruchZeitz, Rahnestraße
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