
Don Juan

"Don Juan (Spanish pronounced [doŋˈxwan]), also known as Don Giovanni (Italian), is a legendary, fictional libertine who devotes his life to seducing women. Famous versions of the story include a 17th-century play, El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra (

The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest) by Tirso de Molina, a 1787 opera, Don Giovanni, with music by Mozart and a libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte, and a satirical, epic poem, Don Juan, by Lord Byron.

By linguistic extension from the name of the character, "Don Juan" has become a generic expression for a womanizer, and stemming from this, Don Juanism is a non-clinical psychiatric descriptor." - ( 28.09.2021)

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Francisco d’Andrade als Don Juan: KomturszeneFrancisco d'Andrade als Don Juan in der KirchhofsszeneDrama: Der Tor und der Tod; Drama: Ascanio und Gioconda; Aphoristisches, Autobiographisches, Frühe Romanpläne: Dialoge über die Kunst
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