
Mass movement

"A mass movement denotes a political party or movement which is supported by large segments of a population. Political movements that typically advocate the creation of a mass movement include the ideologies of communism, fascism, and liberalism. Both communists and fascists typically support the creation of mass movements as a means to overthrow a government and create their own government, the mass movement then being used afterwards to protect the government from being overthrown itself; whereas liberals seek mass participation in the state apparatus of representative democracy.

The social scientific study of mass movements focuses on such elements as charisma, leadership, active minorities, cults and sects, followers, mass man and mass society, alienation, brainwashing and indoctrination, authoritarianism and totalitarianism. The field emerged from crowd or mass psychology (Le Bon, Tarde a.o.), which had gradually widened its scope from mobs to social movements and opinion currents, and then to mass and media society. " - ( 14.07.2021)

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Kinderfest in Oehlmann`s Garten, Glindenberg (1932)Reichsbanner, AbzeichenMützenkokarde, ReichsbannerMitgliedsabzeichen des Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-GoldStempel, Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-GoldAbzeichen, 3 Pfeile, Symbol der Eisernen Front
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