
Montan wax

"Montan wax, also known as lignite wax or OP wax, is a hard wax obtained by solvent extraction of certain types of lignite or brown coal. Commercially viable deposits exist in only a few locations, including Amsdorf, Germany, and in the Ione Basin near Ione, California. High-graded lignite wax are also found in Yunnan and Jilin, China." - ( 06.08.2021)

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Schmuckbrikett 50 jähriges Jubiläum des Günter StieberitzMontanwachsplakette Romonta - Heilige Barbara"Romonta" Montanwachsblock mit GeschenkkartonMontanwachsblock "ROMONTA"Montanwachsblock "ROMONTA"
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