
Paolo Veronese (1528-1588)

"His most famous works are elaborate narrative cycles, executed in a dramatic and colorful style, full of majestic architectural settings and glittering pageantry. His large paintings of biblical feasts, crowded with figures, painted for the refectories of monasteries in Venice and Verona are especially famous, and he was also the leading Venetian painter of ceilings. Most of these works remain in situ, or at least in Venice, and his representation in most museums is mainly composed of smaller works such as portraits that do not always show him at his best or most typical.

He has always been appreciated for "the chromatic brilliance of his palette, the splendor and sensibility of his brushwork, the aristocratic elegance of his figures, and the magnificence of his spectacle", but his work has been felt "not to permit expression of the profound, the human, or the sublime", and of the "great trio" he has often been the least appreciated by modern criticism. Nonetheless, "many of the greatest artists ... may be counted among his admirers, including Rubens, Watteau, Tiepolo, Delacroix and Renoir"." - ( 16.05.2020)

What we know


was born Verona 1528
died Venice April 19, 1588


professional / worker Vicenza 1512
professional / worker Mantua 1548
professional / worker Venice 1555
professional / worker Verona
professional / worker Padua

Sources & Mentions

Objects and visualizations

Relations to objects

Szene im Feldlager (?)Moyse sauvé (Rettung Mose)Christus in BethanienFérfiképmásBilderwand der Wiener GalerieBilderwand der Wiener Galerie
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Printing plate produced Paolo Veronese (1528-1588)
[Relation to person or institution] Jesus Christ

Intellectual creation Paolo Veronese (1528-1588)
Intellectual creation Andrea Schiavone (1510-1563)

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