
Amadeus IV, Count of Savoy (1197-1253)

"Amadeus IV (1197 – 24 June 1253) was Count of Savoy from 1233 to 1253.

Amadeus was born in Montmélian, Savoie. The legitimate heir of Thomas I of Savoy and Margaret of Geneva, he had however to fight with his brothers for the inheritance of Savoy lands after their father´s death. His brothers Pietro and Aimone spurred a revolt in Aosta Valley against Amadeus, but he was able to crush it with the help of Manfred III of Saluzzo and Boniface II of Montferrat, who were his sons-in-law. Together with his brother, Thomas, he fought against the communes of Turin and Pinerolo, but with uncertain results." - ( 28.10.2019)

What we know


father of Beatrice of Savoy, Marchioness of Saluzzo [daughter of], Anne of Burgundy, Countess of Savoy [mother of]

Sources & Mentions

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[Sechs Porträts auf einem Blatt]: Amadeus III., Humbert III., Thomas, Amadeus IV
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Was depicted (Actor) Amadeus IV, Count of Savoy (1197-1253)

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