
Perdiccas III of Macedon (-359)

"Perdiccas III (Greek: Περδίκκας Γ΄) was king of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia from 365 BC to 360 BC, succeeding his brother Alexander II.

Son of Amyntas III and Eurydice, he was a child when in 369 BCE his brother Alexander II was killed by their brother-in-law Ptolemy of Aloros, who then ruled as regent. In 365 BC, Perdiccas killed Ptolemy and assumed government.

There is very little information about the reign of Perdiccas III. He was at one time engaged in hostilities with Athens over Amphipolis, and he was distinguished for his patronage of men of letters. Among these we are told that Euphraeus of Oreus, a disciple of Plato, rose so high in Perdiccas´s favour as to completely govern the young king and to exclude from his society all but philosophers and geometers." - ( 07.10.2020)

What we know


brother of Philip II of Macedon [brother of], Alexandros II of Macedon [brother of]

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