
Mechthild of the Palatinate (1419-1482)

"Mechthild of the Palatinate (1418–1482) was a princess and major patroness of the literary arts in the 15th century.

Born to Ludwig III, Elector Palatine, she was married by the age of 15 to Ludwig I, Count of Württemberg-Urach. Five children came out of the marriage, but by age 31 she became a widow.:143 She was remarried two years later to the Archduke Albert VI of Austria. After he died in 1463, she retired to her court at Rottenburg am Neckar. This court became a center of flourishing literary culture up until her death." - ( 17.10.2020)

What we know


was born Heidelberg March 7, 1419
Wife of Ludwig I, Count of Württemberg-Urach 1434-1450
Wife of Albert VI, Archduke of Austria 1452-1463
died Heidelberg August 22, 1482
was buried St. George's Collegiate Church, Tübingen 1554
Member House of Wittelsbach
daughter of Louis III, Elector Palatine
mother of Ludwig II, Count of Württemberg-Urach [son of], Ludwig I, Count of Württemberg-Urach [father of]
mother of Eberhard I, Duke of Württemberg [son of], Ludwig I, Count of Württemberg-Urach [father of]
sister of Louis IV, Elector Palatine [brother of], Frederick I [brother of], Ruprecht of the Palatinate [brother of]
was buried Kartause Güterstein


bride Ludwig I, Count of Württemberg-Urach Stuttgart 1434
bride Albert VI, Archduke of Austria Böblingen 1452

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