

"Inari Ōkami (稲荷大神, also Ō-Inari 大稲荷) is the Japanese kami of foxes, of fertility, rice, tea and sake, of agriculture and industry, of general prosperity and worldly success, and one of the principal kami of Shinto. In earlier Japan, Inari was also the patron of swordsmiths and merchants. Represented as male, female, or androgynous, Inari is sometimes seen as a collective of three or five individual kami. Inari appears to have been worshipped since the founding of a shrine at Inari Mountain in 711 AD, although some scholars believe that worship started in the late 5th century." - ( 15.11.2019)

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Ema: Inari, Hoshinotama und ToriiEma: Torrii und InariEma: Schrein HigashifushimiinariEma: Fuchs InariEma: Füchse Takeyoshi Inari 武芳稲荷Ema: Inari vor Torii (weißer Hintergrund)
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Was depicted (Actor) Inari

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