
Heinrich Rapusch (-1616)

"Rapusch, or Rappost, Heinrich (Germ.). Goldsmith and Medallist, who was working for the Court of Berlin, and appointed there in 1579 for a term of ten years. He died at Wolfenbüttel in 1616. His monogram H R occurs on a medall of inferior work, dated 1588, representing John George of Brandenburg and Christian I. of Saxony, both with their consorts (obv. illustrated; Berlin). This medal is catalogued under Hans Reinhard Jun. by Dr. Pick. Similar, unsigned medals of John George and Joachim Frederick are no doubt by this Engraver, says Erman. The name of this artist occurs also under the forms Rappuss, Rappusch, Rappusen, Rappost, and Rappes. Domanig states that there were two goldsmiths and medaillists of the name of Heinrich Rapusch or Rapost, father and son. ..." - Forrer, L. "Biographical Dictionary of Medailleurs", Bd. 5 (London 1912), S. 30-31

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Rappost, Heinrich der Jüngere?: Heinrich Julius von Braunschweig-WolfenbüttelRappost, Heinrich der Jüngere: Friedrich Ulrich von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, BRappost, Heinrich der Jüngere: Tod des Heinrich Julius von Braunschweig-WolfenbüRappost, Heinrich der Jüngere: Heinrich Julius von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, eiRappost, Heinrich der Jüngere: Heinrich Julius von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, MeRappost, Heinrich der Jüngere: Heinrich Julius von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Me
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Created Heinrich Rapusch (-1616)
Was depicted (Actor) / Commissioned Henry Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1564-1613)
[Relation to person or institution] A. Riechmann & Co.

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