
Nicocles (--362)

"Nicocles (Greek: Νικοκλῆς, Nikoklēs) was an Ancient Greek Cyprus king of Salamis, Cyprus. In 374/3 BC, he succeeded his (presumed) father Evagoras I. Nicocles continued the philhellenic politics of his father. Nicocles died probably together with Straton of Sidon during the revolt of satraps (362 to 360 BC v. Chr.). He was followed as the Cypriot king of Salamis by his son Evagoras II.

Some authors have proposed that Nicocles had participated in the conspiracy to which his father Evagoras fell a victim. But there is no authority for this supposition. Rather this idea seems to have arisen as a means of explaining the strange error made by Diodorus in considering Nicocles as the eunuch who assassinated Evagoras." - ( 13.06.2020)

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Commissioned Nicocles (--362)

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