
Nicocreon (-310)

"Nicocreon (Greek Nικoκρέων; lived 4th century BC) was king of Salamis in Cyprus, at the time of Alexander the Great´s (336–323 BC) expedition against Persia.

Nicocreon submitted to the conqueror along with the other Cypriot kings, without opposition. In 331 BC, after the return of Alexander from Egypt, Nicocreon visited the city of Tyre to pay homage to him, where he distinguished himself by the magnificence which he displayed in furnishing his theatrical exhibitions.

After the death of Alexander, Nicocreon allied with Ptolemy against Antigonus, and in 315 BC, he colluded with Seleucus and Menelaus, two of Ptolemy´s generals, in neutralizing the Cypriot city-kingdoms which had supported Antigonus. In return for these services, Ptolemy awarded him personal command of Citium, Lapithos, Keryneia, and Marion, in addition to retaining Salamis. He was also entrusted with the chief command over the whole island of Cyprus." - ( 13.06.2020)

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Commissioned Nicocreon (-310)

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