
Cicero Minor (-65-)

"Marcus Tullius Cicero Minor (Minor, Latin for "the younger"), or Cicero the Younger, was born in 65 BC. He was the son of Marcus Tullius Cicero, who as a distinguished orator and consular senator was one of the leading figures of the Roman Republic during the 1st century BC, and his first wife, Terentia. Cicero Minor had an elder sister, Tullia, who was born in 79 BC and died in 45 BC.

In the beginning Cicero wished to have a military career. On the outbreak of Caesar´s Civil War in 49 BC, he joined the side of Pompey like his father. After Pompey’s defeat by Julius Caesar at Pharsalus in 48 BC, Cicero Minor was pardoned by Caesar." - ( 09.03.2020)

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Was depicted (Actor) Cicero Minor (-65-)

[Relation to person or institution] Cicero Minor (-65-)

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