
Barbara Sophie of Brandenburg (1584-1636)

"Barbara Sophia of Brandenburg (16 November 1584 – 13 February 1636) was duchess of Württemberg by marriage to Duke John Frederick of Württemberg and acted as regent of the Duchy of Württemberg for their minor son, Duke Eberhard III of Württemberg, in 1631-1633. She was the daughter of the Catherine of Küstrin (1549–1602) and Elector of Joachim Frederick of Brandenburg." - ( 29.01.2020)

What we know


Wife of John Frederick, Duke of Württemberg
daughter of Joachim Frederick, Elector of Brandenburg
mother of Eberhard III, Duke of Württemberg [son of], John Frederick, Duke of Württemberg [father of]

Sources & Mentions

Objects and visualizations

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Herzogin Barbara Sophia von Württemberg in GalakleidungHerzog Friedrich I. und Herzogin Sibylla von Württemberg mit ihren KindernEin Kalvarienberg en miniature, Ende 15. JahrhundertKleiner Prunkpokal von Abraham I. Lotter, um 1600Intaglio mit männlichem Porträt auf Prunkpokal von Abraham I. Lotter, um 1600Kameo mit weiblichem Porträt auf Prunkpokal von Abraham I. Lotter, um 1600
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Was depicted (Actor) Barbara Sophie of Brandenburg (1584-1636)
[Relation to person or institution] House of Württemberg

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