
Ye´kuana people

"The Ye'kuana, also called Ye'kwana, Ye'Kuana, Yekuana, Yequana, Yecuana, Dekuana, Maquiritare, Makiritare, So'to or Maiongong, are a Cariban-speaking tropical rain-forest tribe who live in the Caura River and Orinoco River regions of Venezuela in Bolivar State and Amazonas State. In Brazil, they inhabit the northeast of Roraima State.

In Venezuela, the Ye'kuana live alongside their former enemies, the Sanumá (Yanomami subgroup).

When the Ye'kuana wish to refer to themselves, they use the word So'to, which can be translated as "people", "person". Ye’kuana, in turn, can be translated as "canoe people", "people of the canoes" or even "people of the branch in the river"." - ( 05.11.2021)

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"Gruppe von Majongkong bei der Serra do Mel" (Yekuana)KorbschaleHängematte
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[Relation to person or institution] Ye´kuana people

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