
Akawaio people

"The Akawaio are an indigenous people who live in Roraima (Brazil), Guyana, and Venezuela. They are one of several closely related peoples called Ingarikó and Kapon. Akawaio language used by 5,000 to 6,000 speakers." - ( 25.06.2021)

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Arekawoi-Iindianer fällt einen Baum, um Honig zu bekommenAkawaio-Indianerdorf"Gruppe von Okawalho (=Akawaio) bei Pracauá" (Ingarikó)"Waldhütte am Roraima mit Okawalho zum Besuch" (Ingarikó)Akawaio-Dorf
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[Relation to person or institution] Akawaio people

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