
Giovanni Battista Palumba (1501-1533)

"Giovanni Battista Palumba, also known as the Master I.B. with a Bird (or the Bird etc.), was an Italian printmaker active in the early 16th century, making both engravings and woodcuts; he is generally attributed with respectively 14 and 11 of these. He appears to have come from northern Italy, but later worked in Rome. He specialized in subjects from classical mythology, as well as the inevitable religious subjects. Despite his relatively small output, he was a sophisticated artist, whose style shows a number of influences and changes, reflecting awareness of the currents in artistic style at the start of the High Renaissance. The signed prints are usually dated to around 1500–1511." - ( 10.08.2021)

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Eine Satyressa in einer Landschaft mit ihren beiden Kindern, im Hintergrund eine
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Printing plate produced Giovanni Battista Palumba (1501-1533)
Printing plate produced Meister I B mit dem Vogel

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