
Heinrich Albers-Schönberg (1901-1956)

"Heinrich Ernst Albers-Schönberg (21 January 1865 – 4 June 1921) was a German gynecologist and radiologist. He was a native of Hamburg.

He studied medicine at the Universities of Tübingen and Leipzig, where in 1891 he earned his medical doctorate under the guidance of Heinrich Curschmann (1846-1910). From 1892 to 1894 he was an assistant at Hamburg-Eppendorf Hospital, afterwards working as an assistant to gynecologist Paul Zweifel (1848–1927) at the University of Leipzig. Soon afterwards, he settled in Hamburg as a medical practitioner.

In 1897, with internist Georg Deycke (1865–1938), he established an X-ray clinic and laboratory in Hamburg. Later, he was appointed head of the radiology department at St Georg Hospital. In 1919 he became a full professor and chair of radiology at the newly established University of Hamburg." - ( 29.01.2020)

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Written Heinrich Albers-Schönberg (1901-1956)

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