
Suzanne Chodowiecka (1763-1819)

"Born in Berlin, Chodowiecka was the middle daughter of painter Daniel Chodowiecki; her sisters Jeannette and Henriette also became artists. A pupil of Anton Graff, she became a member of the Prussian Academy of Arts in 1789 and exhibited work, including copies of old master paintings in the royal collection, on numerous occasions. Active as a genre painter and portraitist, among her subjects were members of the Prussian royal family. She was married to a member of the clergy, as was her sister Jeannette." - ( 05.11.2019)

Also known as: Susanne Chodowiecka (Birth name), Suzette Henry (Nickname)

What we know


was born Berlin July 26, 1763
Member Prussian Academy of Arts 1789-1819
died Berlin March 27, 1819
Wife of Jean Henry (Bibliothekar)
believed in religion Continental reformed church
daughter of Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki
daughter of Jeanne Marie Chodowiecka
sister of Wilhelm Chodowiecki
sister of Jeannette Papin
sister of Henri Isaac Chodowiecki
sister of Juliane Henriette Le Coq


lived Berlin 1763-1785
bride 1785
lived Brandenburg an der Havel 1785-1787
lived Potsdam 1787-1795
Student Anton Graff 1796
lived Berlin 1795-1819
Student Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki
Student Johann Christoph Frisch
used art style Genre
used art style Miniatur
used art style Copy
used method / technique Art of painting
used method / technique Pastell

Sources & Mentions

Objects and visualizations

Relations to objects

Porträt des Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiHenry, Susanne: Schlechte ErziehungHenry, Susanne: Porträt Daniel ChodowieckiHenry, Susanne: Familie am SonntagmorgenHenry, Susanne: Die VormittagspredigtHenry, Susanne: Sonntäglicher Vortrag
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Template creation Suzanne Chodowiecka (1763-1819)
Printing plate produced Meno Haas (1752-1833)

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Research status / note

kl-bb:Partly researched

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