
Wladimir Köppen (1846-1940)

"Wladimir Peter Köppen (German pronunciation: [vlaˈdiːmiːɐ̯ ˈkœpn̩, ˈvlaːdimiːɐ̯ -]; Russian: Влади́мир Петро́вич Кёппен, Vladimir Petrovich Kyoppen; 25 September 1846 – 22 June 1940) was a Russian-German geographer, meteorologist, climatologist and botanist. After studies in St. Petersburg, he spent the bulk of his life and professional career in Germany and Austria. His most notable contribution to science was the development of the Köppen climate classification system, which, with some modifications, is still commonly used. Köppen made significant contributions to several branches of science." - ( 31.01.2020)

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Prof. Dr. W. Köppen: KlimalehreW. Köppen: Grundlinien der maritimen MeteorologieWladimir Köppen: Fünf Aufsätze zur Philosophie der Natur und GeschichteHamburger DiamantdrachenHamburger Diamant-Drachen
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[Relation to person or institution] Wladimir Köppen (1846-1940)

Written Wladimir Köppen (1846-1940)

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