
National Liberal Party

"The National Liberal Party (German: Nationalliberale Partei, NLP) was a liberal party of the North German Confederation and the German Empire which flourished between 1867 and 1918.

During the Prussian-led unification of Germany, the National Liberals became the dominant party in the Reichstag parliament. While supporting the common ideals of liberalism and nationalism, the party contained two wings which reflected the conflicting claims of its Hegelian and idealistic heritage; one which emphasized the power of the state through the Nationalstaat, and the other which emphasized the civil liberties of the Rechtsstaat. Although this cleavage later proved fatal for its unity, the National Liberals managed to remain the pivotal party in the decades after unification by cooperating with both the Progressives and the Free Conservatives on various issues." - ( 31.01.2020)

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Artikel der "Dresdner Nachrichten" zur Debatte über die vertragsmäßige FestlegunEhrenurkunde der Nationalliberalen Partei für Hugo Bischoff
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[Relation to person or institution] National Liberal Party
[Relation to person or institution] Deutsche Müllerschule (Dippoldiswalde)

Commissioned National Liberal Party

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