
Friedrich Ludwig Heine (1796-1836)

German painter, active 1816-1834 - ulan, 05.10.2019

Also known as: Friedrich Ludwig Ferdinand Heine

What we know


was born Brunswick 1834-1835
died Berlin December 2, 1836
Friend Friedrich Ludwig Jahn
Friend Friedrich Eduard Eichens


Student Prussian Academy of Arts 1812-1819
Student Karl Wilhelm Wach
Student Ludwig Buchhorn
teacher Albert Baur (Pfarrer)
used art style Portrait, Copy
used art style Historie
used method / technique Art of painting, Lithography, Drawing

Sources & Mentions

Objects and visualizations

Relations to objects

Philipp MelanchthonPorträt Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834)Schadow, Johann Gottfried (1764-1850), BildhauerImmanuel Bekker
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Created Friedrich Ludwig Heine (1796-1836)
Was depicted (Actor) Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560)

Template creation Friedrich Ludwig Heine (1796-1836)

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Activity (Interactions with objects)

Research status / note

Iris Berndt:Partly researched

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