
Zuse Institute Berlin

"The Zuse Institute Berlin (abbreviated ZIB, or Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin) is a research institute for applied mathematics and computer science on the campus of Freie Universität Berlin in Dahlem, Berlin, Germany.

The ZIB was founded by law as a statutory establishment and as a non-university research institute of the State of Berlin in 1984. In close interdisciplinary cooperation with the Berlin universities and scientific institutions Zuse Institute implements research and development in the field of information technology with a particular focus on application-oriented algorithmic mathematics and practical computer science. ZIB also provides high-performance computer capacity as an accompanying service as part of the Network of high performance computers in Northern Germany (Norddeutscher Verbund von Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnern (HLRN))." - ( 27.06.2024)

Objects and visualizations

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Cray X-MP/24Cray T3E-900
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This actor (left) is related to objects with which other actors (right) are related to

Was used Zuse Institute Berlin
Assembled / Form designed Cray

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