
Sweyn II of Denmark (1020-1076)

"Sweyn II Estridsson (Old Norse: Sveinn Ástríðarson, Danish: Svend Estridsen) (c. 1019 – 28 April 1076) was King of Denmark from 1047 until his death in 1076. He was the son of Ulf Thorgilsson and Estrid Svendsdatter, and the grandson of King Sweyn I Forkbeard through his mother´s line. He was married three times, and fathered 20 children or more out of wedlock, including the five future kings Harald III Hen, Canute IV the Saint, Oluf I Hunger, Eric I Evergood, and Niels.

He was courageous in battle, but did not have much success as a military commander. His skeleton reveals that he was a tall, powerfully built man who walked with a limp." - ( 31.01.2020)

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Dänemark: Sven EstridsenKönige von Dänemark: Swen II. (1047-1075)
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Was depicted (Actor) Sweyn II of Denmark (1020-1076)

Commissioned Sweyn II of Denmark (1020-1076)

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