
Siemens & Halske

"Siemens & Halske AG (or Siemens-Halske) was a German electrical engineering company that later became part of Siemens.

It was founded on 12 October 1847 as Telegraphen-Bauanstalt von Siemens & Halske by Werner von Siemens and Johann Georg Halske. The company, located in Berlin-Kreuzberg, specialised in manufacturing electrical telegraphs according to Charles Wheatstone's patent of 1837. In 1848, the company constructed one of the first European telegraph lines from Berlin to Frankfurt am Main. Siemens & Halske was not alone in the realm of electrical engineering. In 1887, Emil Rathenau had established Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG), which became a long-time rival." - ( 23.06.2021)

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Schmalfilmkamera "Siemens B"Schmalfilmprojektor "Siemens Standard"Schmalfilmprojektor "Siemens Heimprojektor"Tischfernsprecher W48Siemens Geheimschreiber T 52 eFernsprechapparat W 48
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Created Siemens & Halske

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