
Charles Eugene, Duke of Württemberg (1728-1793)

"Charles Eugene (German: Carl Eugen; 11 February 1728 – 24 October 1793), Duke of Württemberg, was the eldest son, and successor, of Charles Alexander; his mother was Princess Marie Auguste of Thurn and Taxis." - ( 03.06.2020)

What we know


son of Charles Alexander [father of], Princess Marie Auguste of Thurn and Taxis [mother of]

Sources & Mentions

Objects and visualizations

Relations to objects

Brief von Karl Eugen, Herzog von Württemberg, an den Bischof von Bamberg vom 12.Hallers Grabmal im Park HohenheimHerzog Carl Eugen von Württemberg als FeldherrAkademische Preismedaille im Fach Forst- und JagdwissenschaftHerzog Carl Eugen zu Besuch in der Hohen CarlsschuleFranziska von Hohenheim zu Besuch in der Hohen Carlsschule
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Written Charles Eugene, Duke of Württemberg (1728-1793)
[Relation to person or institution] Maria Feodorovna (1759-1828)
[Relation to person or institution] Paul I of Russia (1754-1801)

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Relations to time periods

1775 1777
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Activity (Interactions with objects)

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