
Royal Saxon Army

"The Royal Saxon Army (German: Königlich Sächsische Armee) was the military force of the Electorate (1682–1807) and later the Kingdom of Saxony (1807–1918). A regular Saxon army was first established in 1682 and it continued to exist until the abolition of the German monarchies in 1918. With the formation of the Confederation of the Rhine by Napoleon the Royal Saxon Army joined the French "Grande Armée" along with 37 other German states." - ( 10.08.2021)

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Ringkragen für Offiziere mit sächsich-polnisch/litauischen Doppelwappen, SachsenUniformjacke (Waffenrock) eines Kanoniers vom Königlich Sächsischen 6. Feld-Arti
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[Relation to person or institution] Royal Saxon Army
[Relation to person or institution] Sächsisches Feld-Artillerie-Regiment Nr. 68

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