
Antoine de la Roche Chandieu (1534-1591)

"Antoine de la Roche Chandieu (1534 in Castle of Chabot (near Mâcon) – February 23, 1591 in Geneva) was a French Reformed theologian, poet, diplomat and nobleman. His trend toward the Reformed Protestantism was strengthened during his study of law at Toulouse, and after a theological course at Geneva, he became the pastor of the Reformed congregation of Paris, 1556–62.

On the night of September 4, 1557, a Protestant meeting was attacked, and 140 persons were imprisoned. Chandieu published his Remonstrance au Roi and his Apologie des bons Chrétiens contre les ennemis de l'église catholique. Consequently, he was arrested but was soon released at the intervention of Antoine de Bourbon. Though still in his twenties, Chandieu was one of the leaders of French Protestantism." - ( 03.11.2022)

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Calvinisch Auffzug/ darinnen Menschlich Vernunfft sampt den hochtrabenden Calvin
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Was depicted (Actor) Antoine de la Roche Chandieu (1534-1591)
Was depicted (Actor) Aristotle (-384--323)
Was depicted (Actor) Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531)
Was depicted (Actor) John Calvin (1509-1564)

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