
Fotoatelier Armand Dandoy

Fotoatelier in
- Rue de la Station 6, Namur (1866-1898)

Über Armand Dandoy:
"Life dates: Gougnies, 1834 - Namur, 1898
1862 * - 1866 / Namur, Rue de Fer, 82 then 78
Predecessor: Dandoy Frères
Armand Ernest Ghislain, ° 11.11.1834; + 14.7.1898. Painter and photographer. A landscapist, Dandoy presented his work at the Brussels Salon in 1863 and at the Antwerp Salon in 1864. A friend of Félicien Rops, he repeatedly made his portrait. The two artists went rowing together and exchanged an extensive correspondence.
1866 * - 1898 + Namur, Rue Mathieu, 6 or 8
Successor: Dandoy Veuve Armand
Opening on 10.9.1866. Rue Mathieu = Rue de la Station. Views of Bruges around 1872. Under the auspices of the provincial government he published between 1869 and 1879 the series "La Province de Namur monumentale et pittoresque", an inventory comprising 110 albumen prints of monuments and sites around the province. He first exhibited the series in December 1873 at the "Cercle artistique et littéraire d'Anvers". Views of the caves at Han-sur-Lesse in artificial light, 1876 and for which he was granted an exclusive concession on 23.10.1876. He was one the first Belgian photographers to use the carbon process; he also exhibited photogravures and photolithographs, presumably in line rather than halftone, in 1878. Around 1895 he sold postcards with the credit: "Photographic and collotype establishment of Armand Dandoy". Founder member of the ABP.
1862 * - 1866 / Namur, Rue de Fer, 82 then 78
1866 * - 1898 + Namur, Rue Mathieu, 6 or 8
Exhibitions: Paris, 1863 (no address); London, 1871; Brussels, 1872; Antwerp, "Cercle artistique et littéraire", 1873; Brussels, 1874; Ghent, 1874; Namur, 1874 (paintings); Louvain, 1874 (paintings); Brussels, 1875; Namur, "Exposition provinciale des produits des arts industriels", 1876; Amsterdam, 1877; Paris, 1878; Brussels, 1880; Amsterdam, 1883; Namur, 1886 (paintings); Brussels, 1891.
Bibliography/Webography: HIERNAUX, Luc. "Les couleurs de l'ombre. Paysages et monuments de la Province de Namur dans l'oeuvre photographique d'Armand Dandoy (1834-1898)", De la Meuse à l'Ardenne, n° 23, 1996. 240 + 288 pp." -;isaar, 01.10.2022

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