
Kentucky Mandolin Company

"The Kentucky Mandolin Company is based in San Francisco, CA. Through the years, the mandolins themselves have been made in Japan, Korea and most recently (since 2001), China. The latest versions are some of the best ever.

The Kentucky Mandolin company is owned by Saga Musical Instruments. They make several popular brands of instruments including Blueridge Guitars, Cremona Violins, Regal Dobros, Gold Star Banjos, Trinity College Mandolins and a host of others. Saga has always put tremendous effort into maintaining time honored designs and the tradition shows in Kentucky Mandolins.

In 2012, the Kentucky Mandolin Company setup their own hand-carved workshop in China. They kicked off with the Kentucky KM-150 mandolin and then slowly migrated the majority of the line to the new shop. The jump in quality is readily apparent." -, 12.03.2022

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Mandoline Kentucky
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2009 2011
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