
Thomas Percy (Gunpowder Plot) (1560-1605)

"Thomas Percy (c. 1560 – 8 November 1605) was a member of the group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605. A tall, physically impressive man, little is known of his early life beyond his matriculation in 1579 at the University of Cambridge, and his marriage in 1591 to Martha Wright. In 1596 his second cousin once removed, Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland, appointed him constable of Alnwick Castle and made him responsible for the Percy family's northern estates. He served the earl in the Low Countries in about 1600–1601, and in the years before 1603 was his intermediary in a series of confidential communications with King James VI of Scotland." - (Wikipedia (en) 07.07.2021)

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CONSILIUM SEPTEM NOBILIUM AN-/ GLORUM CONIURANTIUM IN NECEM IACOBI. I. MA-/ GNÆThomas Percy in Engelland/ Eins edlen Gschlechts, gar wol bekadt/...
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[Kapcsolódó személyek/ intézmények] Thomas Percy (Gunpowder Plot) (1560-1605)
[Kapcsolódó személyek/ intézmények] I. Jakab angol király (1566-1625)

Ábrázolás Thomas Percy (Gunpowder Plot) (1560-1605)

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