
Hermann von Wedderkop (1875-1956)

"Wedderkop was an assesor in Cologne. He met Alfred Flechtheim in Paris in 1907, who was an art dealer and later founder of Der Querschnitt. In 1912 he wrote a small exhibition guide for the Sonderbund in Cologne. During World War I, Wedderkop was a civilian commissary of the German civilian administration in Brussels. Among others, he met Gottfried Benn and Thea Sternheim and an affair with Yvonne George is said to him during that time.

At the beginning of the 1920s, Wedderkop was a member of the advisory committee of the artists´ association Das Junge Rheinland. In the series Junge Kunst published by Verlag Klinkhardt and Biermann Leipzig, he published the volumes on Paul Klee (1920) and Marie Laurencin (1921). From 1921 he was an employee of the Der Querschnitt. As editor, Wedderkop succeeded in making Der Querschnitt into the leading German Zeitgeist magazine of the 1920s: open to the artistic avant-garde, such as Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall or Fernand Léger, as well as the heroes of boxing, ironically elitist and artistic photos of male and female nude models. In Ernest Hemingway´s posthumous memoirs "A Moveable Feast", Wedderkop is mentioned as a purchaser of his works and described as awfully nice. The fact that Wedderkop was replaced by a chief editor in 1929 by the Ullstein Verlag, and that he was removed from his editor´s post in May 1931, is said to have had something to do with Wedderkop´s publicist enthusiasm for Benito Mussolini, according to Wilmont Haacke. Wedderkop visited Mussolini on May 5 and October 10, 1930, and on May 28, 1935. He spent most of the time of Nazi Germany in Italy. Wedderkop´s book Deutsche Graphik des Westens was placed on the list of harmful and undesirable literature by the Reichsschrifttumkammer of the Reichskulturkammer in 1938." - ( 02.11.2019)

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Der Querschnitt, Januar 1927Der Querschnitt, März 1926Der Querschnitt, Februar 1927Der Querschnitt, Ende November 1930Der Querschnitt, Ende März 1932
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Edited Hermann von Wedderkop (1875-1956)
[Relation to person or institution] Alfred Flechtheim (1878-1937)

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