
Vespasian (9-79)

"Vespasian (/vɛˈspeɪʒ(i)ən, -ziən/; Latin: Titus Flavius Vespasianus;[note 1] 17 November 9 – 24 June 79 AD) was Roman emperor from 69 to 79. The fourth and last in the Year of the Four Emperors, he founded the Flavian dynasty that ruled the Empire for 27 years.

Vespasian was the first emperor who hailed from an equestrian family, and only rose into the senatorial rank as the first member of his family later in his lifetime. Vespasian´s renown came from his military success; he was legate of Legio II Augusta during the Roman invasion of Britain in 43 and subjugated Judaea during the Jewish rebellion of 66." - ( 25.05.2020)

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Tempel des VespasianVespasianVespasianusVespasianus: RestitutionVespasianIlion
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[Relation to person or institution] Vespasian (9-79)

Was depicted (Actor) Vespasian (9-79)
Was depicted (Actor) Pax
Was depicted (Actor) Aequitas

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