
Victoreen Instrument Company

"The Victoreen Instrument Company was founded by John Austin Victoreen (who had founded the Victoreen Radio Company) at 2825 Chester Avenue in 1928. 11 A few years after Victoreen began making superheterodyne radios and parts, the federal government appointed the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) as the owner of patents relating to the superheterodyne principle. This left Victoreen without a product to market, and in response, the company, in conjunction with Dr. Otto Glasser of the Cleveland Clinic, went into the field of X-ray technology.

Victoreen developed an X-ray dosimeter to eliminate the possibility of x-ray burns and control dose delivery to patients. 1 2 11 The first commercial model was the Condenser-R meter, which measured the intensity and total dosage of X-ray exposure. The company went on to develop other radiation measurement equipment and became a leader in the field. It soon outgrew its building and relocated to a large, purpose-built factory at 5806 Hough Avenue. ..." -, 04.12.2020

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Dual Color Electronic Sensitometer "07-417"
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