
Giorgio Nataletti (1907-1972)

"Giorgio Nataletti (1907-1972) was an Italian musicologist, the first director of the Ethnomusicological Archives at the National Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome.

He was in charge of a vast project from 1948-72 to record traditional Italian music. It was done under the auspices of RAI, the Italian Radio and Television agency. The results are preserved in the RAI archives as well as those of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia." - (Wikipedia (en) 30.12.2020)

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Polifonia Fenomeno Mondiale IBifonia ItalianaBifonia ItalianaBifonia ItalianaBifonia ItalianaMusice Nomade
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Hangfelvétel készítése Giorgio Nataletti (1907-1972)
Hangfelvétel készítése Radio Diffusion Italienne (RAI)

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