
Gottfried Böhm (1920-)

"Gottfried Böhm (born January 23, 1920) is a German architect and sculptor. His reputation is based on creating highly sculptural buildings made of concrete, steel, and glass. Böhm´s first independent building was the Cologne chapel "Madonna in the Rubble" (now integrated into Peter Zumthor´s design of the Kolumba museum renovation). Böhm´s most influential and recognized building is the Maria, Königin des Friedens or Nevigeser Wallfahrtsdom.

The most recently completed construction project involving Gottfried is the Hans Otto Theater in Potsdam (2006). In 1986, he became the first German architect to be awarded the prestigious Pritzker Prize." - ( 07.09.2020)

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Modell der DITIB-Moschee
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Created Gottfried Böhm (1920-)

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2011 2013
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