
Jan van den Hecke (1620-1684)

"Jan van den Hecke or Jan van den Hecke the Elder (1620–1684) was a Flemish Baroque painter, draughtsman, printmaker and engraver mainly known for his still lifes, landscapes and battle scenes. After training in Antwerp, he spent time in Rome where he had important patrons. After his return to Flanders he worked for a while in Brussels likely painting flower still lifes for Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria, the Austrian governor of the Spanish Netherlands, before returning to work in Antwerp." - ( 12.08.2021)

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[Verschiedene Tiere aus einem Brunnen trinkend; The animlas at a fountain][Sechs Schafe; The sheep][Ziegen und Eichhörnchen, im Hintergrund ein Regenbogen; The goats][Pferde und Kühe auf einer Weide, im Hintergrund eine Stadt; Horss and cows][Hund und Hündin; Dog and bitch][Zwei Hunde; Two resting dogs]
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