
Jacobus de Voragine (1228-1298)

"Jacopo De Fazio, best known as the blessed Jacobus da Varagine, or in Latin Voragine (Italian: Giacomo da Varazze, Jacopo da Varazze; c. 1230 – 13 or 16 July 1298) was an Italian chronicler and archbishop of Genoa. He was the author, or more accurately the compiler, of Legenda Aurea, the Golden Legend, a collection of the legendary lives of the greater saints of the medieval church that was one of the most popular religious works of the Middle Ages." - ( 23.06.2020)

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Legenda Aurea Sanctorum, sive Lombardica historiaLegenda Aurea - Die Heiligenlegenden des Mittelalters
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Written Jacobus de Voragine (1228-1298)

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