
Anna Maria Werner (1688-1753)

"Anna Maria Werner, née Haid (1688–1753) was a German painter. Her maiden name has sometimes been given as Hayd or Heid, and her married name as Wernerin or Vernerin; her first name is sometimes given as Marianna.

Born in Gdańsk, Werner was the daughter of an important Berlin goldsmith; later she married the painter Christoph Johann Werner and moved to Dresden. Active as a miniature painter, she also taught, counting among her pupils painter Christian David Müller, enamelist Johann Emanuel Göbel, and her own son, Christoph Joseph II Werner. In 1757 a biography was published in the Leipzig journal Das Neueste aus der anmuthigen Gelehrsamkeit. Werner died in Dresden; she has been credited by some, including the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, as the inventor of pastels." - ( 03.07.2021)

Also known as: Anna Maria Haid (Birth name)

What we know


was born Gdańsk 1688
Wife of Christoph Joseph Werner 1705
died Dresden November 23, 1753
daughter of Andreas Haid
mother of Christoph Joseph Werner (der Jüngere)


lived Gdańsk 1688-1702
lived Berlin 1709-1721
lived Dresden 1721-1753
used art style Portrait
used art style illustration
used art style View (Depiction)
used art style Miniatur
used method / technique Art of painting
used method / technique Drawing

Sources & Mentions

Objects and visualizations

Relations to objects

Heinrich Graf von BünauPorträt Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700-1766)Allegorische Darstellung (Autorenbild)Johann Gustav ReinbeckProbe-Kupferstich zum Werk "De stellis marinis"Mercure
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Relations to actor

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Template creation Anna Maria Werner (1688-1753)
Was depicted (Actor) Heinrich von Bünau (1697-1762)
Printing plate produced Johann Jakob Haid (1704-1767)
[Relation to person or institution] Louis de Silvestre (1675-1760)

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Activity (Interactions with objects)

Research status / note

kl-bb:Not researched much

[Last update: ]