Національний музей історії України Археологія Доба бронзи [а143/1327]
Стела антропоморфна (Національний музей історії України CC BY-NC-SA)
Herkunft/Rechte: Національний музей історії України (CC BY-NC-SA)
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Anthropomorphic stele

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In year 1915, an anthropomorphic stele was located by the peasants clearing of the forest patch. The archeologist Petro Kurinnyi gave the stele to the Social and Historical Museum of Uman District. After the end of World War 2 the aforementioned stele was brought into the National Museum of the History of Ukraine. This is a flat plate that narrows down. A small protrusion is located in the middle of the top part, which points out a head. Under it a face is carved in a low relief. Even lower there are hands with fingers. Parallel to the hands there are two lines made by carved canals. In the lower part of the stele there is a wide ribbon as a belt. The sides are covered with oblique transverse grooves. There is a canal on the back. The back surface on both sides of the canal is continuously covered with transverse inclined grooves.
Stele is an amazing memorial of the monumental sculpture of the Bronze Age. Such creations most likely showed archaic worldview connected to the cult of ancestors.


Stone, carving, grinding


h 104, w 40 cm


Фінансування здійснюється зі Стабілізаційного фонду культури та освіти 2023 Федеральним міністерством закордонних справ Німеччини та Goethe-Institut.
Funded by the Stabilisation Fund for Culture and Education of the German Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut.

Hergestellt Hergestellt
Gefunden Gefunden
село Піківець
-3001 1917
Національний музей історії України

Objekt aus: Національний музей історії України

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