

"A coin is a small object, usually round and flat, used primarily as a medium of exchange or legal tender. They are standardized in weight, and produced in large quantities at a mint in order to facilitate trade. They are most often issued by a government. Coins often have images, numerals, or text on them. The faces of coins or medals are sometimes called the obverse and the reverse, referring to the front and back sides, respectively. The obverse of a coin is commonly called heads, because it often depicts the head of a prominent person, and the reverse is known as tails.

A coin is generally made of metal or an alloy, or sometimes of human-made materials. Precious metal-based coins had the advantage of carrying their value within the coins themselves. On the other hand, they induced manipulations, such as the clipping of coins to remove some of the precious metal." - ( 22.09.2023)

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Brakteat Otto II.AdlerhohlpfennigGulden Köln 1414Römische Kupfermünze der Faustina I.Römische Denar Silbermünze Kaiser Septimius Severus2 Mark Silbermünze in Zierfassung - Deutsches Reich
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